What is 机器翻译?
Technology is moving at a faster pace today than ever before, and many people are left feeling confused. How will new technologies affect creative fields like translation? 的 American Translators Association has issued a p反对党的纸 在机器翻译(MT)上,通过炒作和解释这个工具的用途和局限性.
下面是对要点的细分,以帮助您了解机器翻译的工作原理. 往下读,你会发现什么时候它是一个非常有效的工具,什么时候它会引起问题.
Should I use online machine translation tools like Google Translate?
机器翻译对于理解另一种语言的意思很有帮助. So you can use it if you don’t need 100% accuracy. 它又快又免费. 但请注意,在线翻译工具通常不能保证隐私, 因此,您粘贴或上传的任何文本都不应包含私人或机密信息.
的 stakes are typically higher for businesses, 研究人员, 政府机构, non-governmental organizations, 以及其他机构. 他们需要高水平的准确性,特别是如果翻译将被公众使用. 此外,机密数据不应在网络上公开共享. 对于这些用户来说,将他们的数据委托给在线机器翻译工具是一个严重的失误.
How does machine translation work?
你现在听到这么多关于机器翻译的事情,是因为这项技术自20世纪50年代诞生以来已经有了很大的进步. 的re are different types of machine translation out there, such as “rules-based” and “statistical-based” machine translation. 但今天的神经机器翻译(NMT)确实改变了游戏规则. 这是一种人工智能技术,它使用大型语言模型将数据分解成片段进行处理. 它建议基于上下文的翻译,预测接下来会出现哪些单词. 神经机器翻译使用的数据集之前已经被专业地从一种语言翻译成另一种语言.
What are the pros and cons of machine translation?
像ChatGPT一样,机器翻译工作非常快,可以产生非常流畅的输出. 对于一些在互联网上非常可见的语言对和主题, MT has enough data at its disposal to provide impressive results. 但是,像ChatGPT一样,机器翻译也会产生幻觉,即错误或遗漏. 结果可能听起来不错,但仔细检查可能会遗漏或不正确的信息.
此外,特定因素使机器翻译比其他类型的人工智能输出更复杂. Machine translation engines need vast amounts of professionally (human!) translated data as training material. For some languages, this is lacking. 机器翻译引擎也会遇到语序和结构非常不同的语言对(如英语和日语或英语和阿拉伯语)。.
Can machine translation help with my translation project?
This is one of the most common questions we get from translation buyers, 最好的答案是:咨询专业的翻译人员或翻译机构. 他们可以最好地评估你的翻译项目,以确定它是否适合机器翻译. If so, they can suggest an appropriate MT engine. 的 American Translators Association provides a free searchable Language Services Directory for locating a professional translator.
在术语方面,自定义机器翻译引擎比在线机器翻译工具提供更可靠的结果. 这是因为用于训练机器翻译引擎的数据与要翻译的信息类型相对应. 例如, 经过法律数据训练的机器在翻译医学或药学文本时不会提供相关的结果. Custom MT engines also aren’t publicly available, which means access is limited and confidentiality maintained.
请记住,机器翻译输出应该始终由人工翻译人员进行审查和编辑. This process is known as post-editing.
How accurate is machine translation?
机器翻译在计算某个翻译的可能性方面可以非常成功, but it cannot actually understand the purpose of the text. It’s like the autosuggest feature for texts or emails: frequently, it predicts phrasing correctly, 比如“你好吗??” But the more specific the context, the harder it is for the technology to make a correct prediction, 比如“你好吗? going to get to the theater tonight?” 的 more complex the material, 机器翻译工具越有可能引入错误或遗漏. 人工翻译可以理解语言的细微差别,并知道如何为特定的受众进行翻译.
Will machine translation replace human translators?
短期内不会. Machine translation is inadequate in many fields, 尤其是那些需要大量创造力的行业,比如广告, 市场营销, 和文学. 它也有 其他限制. If you’re going to use MT, 永利登录网址建议只在某些情况下使用它,并与人工翻译合作.
Keep in mind that translation involves intercultural communication. Many cultural factors vary greatly from one culture to another. 语言的这些方面包括熟悉的或正式的称呼形式, 情绪的表达, 社会习俗. 可能需要为目标受众解释或调整一些文化参考, 这个过程被称为 本地化. This is an aspect of translation that MT is not equipped to handle, so a human translator’s judgment is crucial.
Does this mean I shouldn’t use machine translation?
不,没有. Machine translation tools can be very helpful in certain situations, such as when you’re finding your way around a foreign city. But when the translation will be shared, 研究了, 或发表, 机器翻译最好交给专业的人工翻译. 人工翻译人员具有理解所传达内容的技能和知识. 他们可以利用机器翻译和术语数据库, computer-assisted translation software, and a wide range of quality assurance tools to craft a useful, 可以理解的, well-written translation.
一个专业的译者在语言和文化方面的专业知识可以确保译文被用户理解和欣赏, instead of potentially confusing or offending them.
凯特Deimling 是ata永利登录网址的法语-英语翻译和英语编辑. 她的专长包括为艺术和博物馆界以及奢侈品牌翻译. She is also an active volunteer for the American Translators Association, 它代表着100多个国家的数千名笔译和口译员. To hire a translation or interpreting professional, please visit b8rd.778jz.com/directory/.