The winner of ATA’s 2021 School Outreach Contest is Majlinda Mulla-Everett, an Albanian, Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian, and Macedonian interpreter. In June 2021, Majlinda presented a weeklong class to students at Portland High School in Portland, Maine. When she submitted her photograph and story to the ATA School Outreach Contest, Majlinda shared the following details: “I wanted something that would fit the needs of the students who may turn their bilingualism into a profession. From understanding the difference between an interpreter and a translator to languages that are utilized in Maine and around the world.” Her presentation covered topics including ethics of interpreting, misinterpretations and funny translations, remote interpreting during the pandemic, decision making, and certification.
School Outreach Contest
By sharing your story and photo, you could win a free registration to the ATA Annual Conference!